About Kristyn Wells

The founder of The Beauty Concierge Wax & Beauty Studio, Kristyn Wells, has fully immersed herself into the world of beauty. Her natural act for enhancing beauty has landed her the opportunity to participate in New York Fashion Week, obtain experience with the makeup industries leading retailers, and accumulate over 15 years of passionate experience.

Over the last four years, Kristyn has directed her talent to her specialty, waxing. After working for a large waxing chain, Kristyn decided to venture out on her own and put a unique spin on waxing. Kristyn has placed a special emphasis on gentleness, speed, and quality, a method that is so efficient that clients may even get waxed during their lunch break. Kristyn coined the term "the lunch break wax," to describe this method.

Additionally, Kristyn's services cater to both the needs of men and women. Like any true innovator, Kristyn is ready to change the way the world views waxing forever.

The Beauty Concierge Wax & Beauty Studio

The Beauty Concierge Wax & Beauty Studio is a client-oriented beauty service provider. Because we care about you, our experts use hypoallergenic, vegan friendly products and provide ultra-gentle care making for a virtually pain free experience.

We provide a detailed guide to our clients to help them prepare for their appointments. We treasure your time. We provide speedy, "lunch break waxes" to our clients for certain waxing services.

The Beauty Concierge Wax & Beauty Studio prides itself on its welcoming environment. We ensure that our clients experience the upmost comfort and superb customer service. The Beauty Concierge Wax & Beauty Studio personally invites you to experience relaxation and innovation.


Waxing is often subject to the misconception of being a rather taboo and recent trend. To the surprise of many, waxing isn't as new of a trend as you think. In fact, there is evidence of early waxing methods in ancient Egypt and Greece. Early artwork even exhibits women with what resembles a Brazilian. Despite its long-standing history, many are still skeptical about waxing causing them to miss out on the wonderful benefits of waxing.

Waxing is the best method to achieve smooth hairless skin while avoiding the nicks and razor bumps associated with many other hair removal methods. These amazing results can be obtained in just minutes. Continual waxing may eliminate the hair permanently. Not only does waxing remove unwanted hair, but it also results in the removal of dead skin revealing a succulent glow. Ditch what you think you know about waxing and discover radiance!

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